New Gen Business Park, Swanbank
Willowtree Planning have been assisting our client, NGBP Development Partnership, on the modification and delivery of the New Gen Business Park in Swanbank, Ipswich. The NGBP estate has recently been awarded certification under the UDIA Enviro-Development scheme for all six leaves, Ecosystems, Waste, Energy, Materials, Water and Community.
Scape Australia
Willowtree Planning have obtained approval for three Section 4.56 modification applications through the Sydney Eastern City Planning Panel on behalf of Scape Australia in the month of October.
St Leonards South Precint
Willowtree Planning is pleased to announce that approval from the Sydney North Planning Panel has been achieved for the demolition of the existing structures and construction of a part 10 and part 12 -storey residential flat building comprising 96 apartments and basement parking for 110 vehicles in the St Leonards South Precinct.
St Aloysius College – Inner West Campus
Willowtree Planning have been working with St Aloysius College to gain approval for an additional school campus located within the Inner West. The adaptive reuse of a heritage building and vacant previous school building, will offer an exciting learning opportunity for the College and students. It has been a rewarding experience working with St Aloysius College and their consultant team to a positive outcome.
Erskine Park Manufacturing Facility – Snackbrands
Who doesn’t love Cheezels?
We’re looking forward to seeing the start of construction for Snack Brands Manufacturing Facility in Erskine Park! Willowtree Planning were successful in gaining state significant development consent for a new >$222 million industrial food manufacturing facility directly adjacent to the existing Snack Brands High Bay Warehouse Facility.