Redlands Housing Supply and Diversity Strategy 2023-2046
In September 2022, Deputy Premier Steven Miles announced the Queensland Government would develop the Redlands Housing Supply and Diversity Strategy 2023-2046. The State Government outlined that the Strategy would work towards ensuring diversity, accessibility and more affordable housing in the Redlands Region, now and into the future.
End of an Era – Changes to SSD Thresholds
On Thursday 1 June 2023, there are a range of important changes which will take effect to State Environmental Planning Policy (Planning Systems) 2021 in respect of data centres and warehouse or distribution centres.
Draft Ipswich Plan 2024
Ipswich City Council have released the new draft planning scheme, known as Draft Ipswich Plan 2024 for community and stakeholder engagement.
Warehouse or Distribution Centre v Local Distribution Premises
Recent dealings with the NSW Department of Planning and Environment (DPE) have revealed numerous ambiguities contained in land use definitions for Warehouse or Distribution Centres and Local Distribution Premises.
Western Aerotropolis Development Control Plan Phase 2
The Western Sydney Aerotropolis Development Control Plan (DCP) has been released today, effective 10 November 2022. The DCP supports the ongoing implementation of the Aerotropolis Precinct Plan by providing controls to guide development across the initial precincts for growth, the Aerotropolis Core, Badgerys Creek, Wianamatta-South Creek, Agribusiness and Northern Gateway Precincts.