Approvals and advice you can trust.
Backed by a strong set of professionals with extensive experience, Willowtree Planning is able to provide development approval and advice whenever and wherever it’s required—whether that be at a local, regional or state level.
Taking the pain out of projects.
Embarking on a new development journey is exciting but it can also be daunting when you’re presented with the task of navigating the necessary approvals process to achieve your desired outcome.
At Willowtree, we take this highly technical and imperative admin off your hands and establish the correct approvals pathway for you to ensure your project and application is well made and moves through the approvals process on a path of least resistance.
Our team can assist with:
Statutory and Strategic Approvals Advice
Can i do it, how long, how much ?
Whether your project is small or large often your works may be undertaken without the need to prepare a Development Application. We like to plan from the ground up and have extensive knowledge in each state of all types of approvals processes and can quickly map out for you what type of application suits your development project, necessary technical inputs, timeframes and costs associated with your project to enable you to achieve your development objectives quickly and thereby turning your concepts into reality!!
Development Application Preparation
A development application (DA) is a legal document that allows you to undertake a development, such as a renovation or building a new home – it’s a must have before commencing a proposed development in many cases.
We’ll assist to prepare and submit to the local council or State Government outlining the layout, technical reports and plans required for your proposed development and of course the regulatory costs. Once approval is granted, the Construction And Occupation phase of your development can commence with the Private Certifier or Council.
Planning Proposals/Rezoning Applications
A planning proposal is a type of application that explains the intended request for a change to a Environmental Planning Instrument (EPI). Basically you are seeking to change the law !!
If rezoning is the goal, where appropriate we’ll put together a rezoning application that exudes site and strategic merit to attempt to change the current zoning by-law provisions as they apply to your property to enable you to often achieve a higher and better use and or development outcome for your site.
In many cases the Planning Proposal / Rezoning process is a difficult and complex journey with many key stakeholders and steps in the process. Our proven track record enables us to navigate your application through the defined statutory process into an outcome that you can use to make your Development Application and in turn achieve better planning outcomes for your site.
Town Planning/Due Diligence
We’ll help you undertake any necessary town planning/due diligence investigations prior to purchase, to enable you to assess the planning risks and opportunities associated with the transaction, to eliminate any uncertainty you may have.
Land and strata subdivision
Land can be physically subdivided and each parcel owned by a party, which is typically referred to as a ‘subdivision’. Alternatively, a building can be divided into multiple lots, which is commonly referred to as ‘strata titling’ or a ‘strata title subdivision’. If either of these options is part of your plan, we’ll handle the process so it runs smoothly end to end.
Master Planning
A master plan is a dynamic long-term document that provides a conceptual layout to guide future growth and development. Our team in collaboration with our technical experts will develop a comprehensive master plan to make connections between buildings, social settings and their surrounding environments.
A Masterplan is often used to establish the development vision for the site in the long terms to enable regulatory authorities to see the big picture and enable you to not have to revisit council of state government multiple times over the life of the project for approval for each stage of the plan.
DCP Preparation
A Development Control Plan may be drafted by a suitably qualified consultant for the owner of a particular development site and is used to guide and facilitate the intended development outcome through a DA process. At Willowtree Planning we collaborate with Urban Designers and Architects and other key experts to prepare the DCP for inclusion with your Rezoning Application or Development Application and for which the authorities may assess your development against.
Project Coordination & Management
While we aren’t project managers, we are able to assist in assembling the right team of consultants required to obtain your Development Approval prior to a Project Manager being engaged.
Community Consultation
A community consultation is Council’s method for gathering community input on a proposed project, policy or plan. As Community Consultation is required on many of our projects, we actively participate and contribute to the process in terms of presenting to community groups including Councils, documenting the process in accordance with the state government guidelines and including reports in the applications we make to the authorities as to the level and extent of consultation undertaken. A key step in most development projects!
Design Competition Coordination
Depending on the scale and location of your project, you may be required to hold an open or closed Design Competition process to ensure Design Excellence is achieved and prior to a Development Application being made to the relevant authorities. While Design Competitions are generally limited to new commercial buildings in key strategic and CBD locations, some other major projects also may need Design Excellence to be achieved through the Government Architects office. Willowtree Planning have experience in successfully preparing and managing the Design Competition Process with relevant Councils to ensure your site can achieve Design Excellence and be developed as a strategic landmark within sensitive CBD locations.
Court Expert Witness
While we like to avoid the land and Environment Court and equivalent courts in each state, sometimes agreement with local councils cant be reached and the need for an appeal is essential or necessary. Willowtree Planning have tried and proven professionals who can guide our clients through the appeal process and act as expert witnesses in giving evidence before the courts. At the end of the day, all Willowtree Planing products are prepared as if they are destined for court in the unlikely but occasional event that we find ourselves there!
Willowtree Communications
Willowtree Communications has been established to expand the services offered by Willowtree Planning. This includes undertaking community consultation and providing social and cumulative impact analysis, as well as enhancing our strategic advisory and government relations services.
We work collaboratively with clients to pro-actively engage with community, councils and agencies to build social licence for projects, through open and evidence-based communications and issues management.
This comprehensive approach to approval pathways provides ‘wrap around’ services for statutory and strategic planning projects that can help manage complexities to deliver efficiencies and positive outcomes.
To make an enquiry, please email